
The Sun was shinning, the birds were singing, somewhere in the distance a dog barked.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Mommy Kurt Vonnegut said a bad word"

Jimmy Wang ran across the room flailing his arms.
"MAMA", he screamed.
"WHAT!" replied his angry mother. His mother seemed paranoid by the fact that her 7 year old always had a hobby of bombarding her with peculiar questions. He seemed to enjoy bothering the hell out his mother.(When asked 20 years from now, Jimmy Wang said that when he was a child he had 2 hobbies: bothering the shit out of his mother and reading books that were banned)
"Mama when I was reading this novel by Kurt Vonnegut, I seemed to come across this weird idea of existentialism. I would like to question, is there really a God? From the passage on pages ## and **(due to copyright laws the author of this article cannot share you the pages that little Jimmy was reading) you get a sense of this anti-American sentiment. But what really threw me off and made me unhappy was this..." Explained Jimmy.
"What, what made you angry this time?" Asked his mom. She wondered if boarding school was an option for her.
"Mommy Kurt Vonnegut said a bad word." Jimmy answered
"What? Son what are you reading now? Can't you be like a good little boy and go outside and play? Don't you see how everyone else that's under the age of 20 is out there having fun? I don't know anyone that reads like you and you're only 7!" Said his mom.
"But mom does it ever occur to you that a lot of books are being banned these days. According to book banning committees, books that are banned are being banned for the health and well being of our children. But I still don't get it why ban books? I enjoy reading these books and for the majority of the people like me we READ them because they have strong styles, themes, and ideas that we can use in our own writing." Explained Jimmy.
"Wait what? Son I didn't think this would affect you so much. Like I know its my fault but honey why didn't you come to me and talk about it. It’s okay." Said his mother
"Mom you finally understand me? Can I tell you how I really feel? People banning books really don't have any intention of benefiting students and children; they just want books that meet their own agenda. Whatever's anti-general society is evil. Like take for example Brave New World, it was banned in Ireland because of its "language", and for its "anti-family" and "anti-religion" ideas. Apparently this was controversial because people didn't like the way it was hypothesizing about the future and in my opinion Mom that's full of crap. Then again those who ban books in reality don't read them. Those who ban books don't really know about the truth about society and don't really care about the well being of it either." Said Jimmy.
"Son I know its been harsh on you, but if you're feeling sad after Daddy left us, but its okay and as for now please stop reading and come to me if you really need help, I think its best if I take away those books of yours."Said his mother. As she said this she hoped that, for the "well-being" of Jimmy, Jimmy would stop being so different and be a good child (in reality she hoped that he would shut up once in a while). Did she really know what was happening to Jimmy or what the books really were about? No.
"Mom what are you doing? What are you talking about I thought you knew what I was talking about? I thought you understood me. You don't understand what these books mean to me. I learn from these books, I cherish them, they're so rich in knowledge and power. Mom please don't do this to me." Pleaded Jimmy.
"Son, from what I heard I don't like what you're reading and I'm doing this for you. If you're trying to avoid telling me how you feel I think we have a problem. Like you're 7, go out and play. You're reading these books about sex and killing and swearing and anti-God stuff. The stuff's bad and I think that you're reading this to console yourself over your loss of a father. I'm banning, hah what am I saying, I mean I'm taking your books away for good!"
Jimmy was abashed and flustered; words couldn't even correctly affirm his feelings. Was it really necessary to take away and ban books? Well in Jimmy's case no, but in general no. Jimmy was robbed of a true source of knowledge and power, he had his soul and mind ripped out and taken out by his mother. So it goes.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is it just me or does this idea of "unstuck in time" remind of Doctor Who? No matter what happens the Doctor seems to be lonely and isolated by his time travels and like Billy he lacks a companion who truly understands him. So what do you think?
Food for thought:
The "Sun"ny Side of Slaughter House 5

Billy should optimize his potential

Apparently Billy is unstuck in time, he travels back and forth from moments to moments. But why, why,why! Why doesn't he optimize his potential and change past events. I understand the belief of existentialism, but still why not just try something different and see where it goes?
 Add your thoughts and comments to this discussion
The "Sun"ny Side of Slaughter House 5

Knowledge from the Asian Perspective

Strapped down to the chair, with no source of happiness and no outlet for relaxation, I was forced to read my math textbook. Beads of sweat trickeled down my red and bloodshot cheeks as I tried my best to focus. Diffrential equations, logarithimic functions, integrals, and random gibberish was flying out of the pages. Bam! Pi was thrown in my face by Archimidies (yummmy cherry pie), I was tangent to the stick that my Mother was beating me with. Standing aside was my Mother, staring at me with a deep glare and grimace. In one hand she held the abacus in the other was a pair of chopsticks. For lunch rice was the only thing on the menu. For personal inspiration the story of Pythagorous was told to me for the millionth time. Well folks, if you do plan on calling the children's help line or calling social workers, I can assure you I do not live this life. I was living the "typical" Asian life. Contrary to common stereotypes, Asian parents don't really beat their kids or force them to do math. They're not all really into getting their kids writing the SATs or going to UPenn or Harvard or the Ivy leagues. Math contests aren't really a big deal, grades aren't really either. Asian parents really just stress this idea of knowledge. From personal experiences, Asian parents aren't really mythical or a rare breed of parents they're simply human. In reality they really stress that knowledge is the key to success. If you look at the job market, what really defines your skills is really just what you know and how you can apply them into your work. A Harvard PhD is a piece of paper that anyone could print off and just wave it around and be pretentious and all arrogant about, but the true meaning of that degree is the symbol that it signifies. With such a degree you have a great amount of knowledge(I'm not saying I want to go to Harvard but the same goes with any PhD from any school). So if you're wondering why I'm rambling about something so random to give you context, here's a quote from Kurt Vonnegut:

"New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become."

Well I have to do my math homework right now(and no my parents aren't forcing me to do it, my math teacher is......)

Signing off:
The "Sun"ny Side of Slaughter House 5