
The Sun was shinning, the birds were singing, somewhere in the distance a dog barked.

Monday, April 18, 2011

My take on The Meaning of Life

So before I examine a peer's blog I would like to end this project with a very simple:
I had a bet with someone that someone would end their Blog with "So it goes". I guess as of now I "Win". But to end this project I want to end this with a question of: "What's the meaning of life?" I know it may seem cliché but ever since we were born we were given this incessant desire to find a greater purpose and meaning to life and here is a story:

Peter was given three chores by his parents: 1. Do his homework, 2. Read a book and 3. Do more math homework. In return for his endeavours, his parents would excuse themselves from paying him an allowance; instead they would reassure him that Peter had rewarded himself for committing himself to his studies.

"One day son, you'll be a doctor buy me a Bow Ma (that's BNW in Chinese), be rich, make me rich and thank me!" Said his Father. 

But it never occurred to him that Peter himself wanted to achieve his own goals too. He didn't want to be a doctor, an engineer or a lawyer; he wanted to beat the high score on Super Smash Bros Brawl! It was an obtainable goal however due to the finger exercises that he had committed himself to, he was sure to succeed. Hard work would eventually pay off; however his parents weren't so happy with him!

Despite the long diatribe he received from his parents he only picked up this excerpt:
"What is wrong with you? I spend $24.50 on that textbook and I don't see you using it! Do you think the cashier man is going to be happy when I go back to the store with a sad face to ask for a refund! Do you understand what you are doing to our economy! Refunding? What is he going to tell his kids? 'Sorry son but we can't go to the movies today. Someone refunded their book and now we're short on cash.' Is this what you want? No doctor for you? Be a man and go to your room and read that damn book!'"

What was the purpose for reading? Why be a doctor or lawyer instead of being human? Why do I have to work hard now to enjoy tomorrow? Why can't I enjoy today so I could forget about tomorrow? When Peter thought about it, he could map out his life in 2 ways: map it as little packets of moments or map it as a large time line. That reminded him of the map that the Tralfamadorians had constructed, it was collection of different sections that each consisted of memories that would live forever in that moment of time. So why don’t we make every moment a vibrant one? Let’s live life to the fullest!
Let us forget about the consequences then. Let us drink it up, play video games, let ourselves to once and a while give into hedonism and live life to its fullest. But what’s the point of that? What happens after we die? Well in accordance to the ideals of existentialism, we live in packets of moments that will live on forever. But how do these moments live on? Who lets them live?   In reality, these moments and memories live through the minds and hearts of the people of future generations. That is how we live on! Through their memories we live on! Give life a purpose and do great things to live an eternal life. Inorder to live in memories, you need to live a life that makes a difference in society so that society can remember you. Instead of looking at life through moments look at it as a whole story with chapters that build up to a purpose and a climax. Work hard now so you can be a doctor that saves lives in the ER. Work hard now to become the scientist that finds the cure for HIV or cancer. Work hard now to become a politician that brings the voice of the people to the people in power. By putting purpose in our lives, we will truly put our life to the max. We will enjoy our lives knowing that every day we walk closer to achieving our goal of living an eternal life by progressing humanity.
So the question is, do I agree with Vonnegut’s ideas of existentialism? Not quite. I believe we live life for a greater purpose (whether in the view of the Atheist or the Religious).
Thanks for reading!
The “Sun”ny Side of Slaughter House 5

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