
The Sun was shinning, the birds were singing, somewhere in the distance a dog barked.

Monday, April 18, 2011

So it goes, So it goes, So it goes

To end this blog I would like to say to you readers thank you for check out my blog but sadly this has to come to an end. To conclude I would like to say to you "So it Goes" in 20 different languages(Note;this post is not a filler it is just for fun):

І так будзе працягвацца: Belorussian

So gaan dit maar: Afrikaans
:Arabic:  غني عن ذل

如此这般: Chinese

Niin se menee: Finnish

ასე რომ მიდის: Georgian

이렇게 된거다: Korean 

Dus het gaat: Dutch

Tako gre: Slovenian

Kaya ito napupunta: Filipino

Así vai: Galacian
Így megy ez: Hungarian

01010011 01101111 00100000 
01101001 01110100 00100000: Binary
01100111 01101111 01100101

53 6f 20 69 74 20 67 6f 65 73: hex

Nii see läheb : Estonian

Così va la vita: Italian

Vì vậy, đi: Vietnamese

それは行く: Japanese

Така оди тоа: Macedonian

כך זה נמשך: Hebrew


The Blog Report with P Sun: Slaughterhouse Five Hasnain

Today I decided to review a blog of a fellow English student. He is an exceptional and very creative writer who has many excellent ideas. When I read his blog there were 3 posts that I thought were very well done and were excellent to examine his ideas and awesome style.
Instead of praising Hasnain and not getting to the point, Hasnain had a few ideas that I really want to write about:
The Post :

Billy Pilgrim: Liar or Legit? - Post 1

"The amount of detail and figurative language that is present when he has time-travelled is proof of him actually being unstuck from time. Billy can describe down to the most minute details such as the smells of things. When was the last time we remembered the smells surrounding us? It is almost impossible unless it was very very very distinctive. This proves that he is not merely imagining it or remembering the past in old age."

This does raise an interesting question: how can we tell if Billy Pilgrim is traveling through time? Well to play Devil's Advocate let's look at it, even if Billy Pilgrim were to explain in such detail about his time travels that doesn't mean he's traveling through time. In many cases people who can explain in such detail are 1.frauds who try to reel you in by making it seem legit 2. people who hallucinate 3. People suffering from any sort of mental illness. Many times people are able to describe vividly about memories and events and such because they are lonely and through these memories they can find solace. Whatever the case is for Billy I disagree with Hasnain on the point that the vivid descriptions that Billy makes prove the time traveling to be legit.

But I do agree with the next part of Hasnain's post:

"All pieces of creative literature are indented to transcend the physical realm of our world. With writing you can create and illustrate the impossible. This, in part, is the allure of fiction novels or even movies. Readers want to experience something that they cannot in their own meaningless lives. "

I remember reading an article while back that said that people watched movies and read books because it gave them a source of thrill and experience that they couldn't just feel in their own life. What really makes a good author is someone who is able to create places and experiences(exciting and difference experiences and places that we wouldn't encounter in our everyday life) that the reader can experience through the eyes of the characters. To conclude I agree with Hasnain on this point.

Banned Books - Post 3

Well I do agree with Hasnain that books can create and evoke strong emotions from readers, banning books for the well being of society isn't such a great point. The book "Mien Kampf" is a novel that was written by an extremely mass murder, however it is a novel that let readers go into the inside of Hilter's mind. While I do not agree with the thoughts of Adolph Hiltler, I do believe that by banning this book we take so much from society. To add to that not everyone reads "Mien Kampf" so even if you were to make this book accessible to society it would probably never hit the New York Times Bestseller list. "Mien Kampf" is an excellent historical artifact that historians use to help examine the mind of Hitler and give reasons as to why he committed the actions he did. By examining this novel we can remind ourselves of the actions and thoughts of these dictator to ensure that dictators like him will never rule. From the sense of history this novel is an important piece of history that isn't a good read but is a good piece to examine and get a more deeper understanding of the the historical events that did occur during Hitler's rein.  So in reality by banning books for the well being of society is really not true. By taking away these novels you take away so much from people who actually read it and not from the society as a whole so why ban?

Something about a Novel - Post 5

So to start off, I like how Hasnain agrees with me and says in his Assignment #5 post that the key to writing a novel is using personal experiences to authenticate the reading experience:
“Most authors usually write about personal experiences so thats what I would do. When you incorporate real event or mirrors of real event, they seem more real as if they have more depth. It makes a connection between the read and the author, so that messages or themes are conveyed easily. It also prevents the novel from being boring because you will probably use interesting moments in your life to share.”
However as the passage continues I do not agree with Hasnain that the main protagonist should be an anti-hero. The protagonist should be, in my opinion, a character that develops throughout the novel. We may think as teens that what we do at the time is right, however as due to the guidance of our parents, friends, siblings and teachers we get more of a solid sense of what is right and wrong. I think a story that shows this sort of development is more inspirational and appealing to readers (take any good movie and you’ll find that the main protagonist undergoes a journey and develops into a greater, stronger and better person).

My take on The Meaning of Life

So before I examine a peer's blog I would like to end this project with a very simple:
I had a bet with someone that someone would end their Blog with "So it goes". I guess as of now I "Win". But to end this project I want to end this with a question of: "What's the meaning of life?" I know it may seem cliché but ever since we were born we were given this incessant desire to find a greater purpose and meaning to life and here is a story:

Peter was given three chores by his parents: 1. Do his homework, 2. Read a book and 3. Do more math homework. In return for his endeavours, his parents would excuse themselves from paying him an allowance; instead they would reassure him that Peter had rewarded himself for committing himself to his studies.

"One day son, you'll be a doctor buy me a Bow Ma (that's BNW in Chinese), be rich, make me rich and thank me!" Said his Father. 

But it never occurred to him that Peter himself wanted to achieve his own goals too. He didn't want to be a doctor, an engineer or a lawyer; he wanted to beat the high score on Super Smash Bros Brawl! It was an obtainable goal however due to the finger exercises that he had committed himself to, he was sure to succeed. Hard work would eventually pay off; however his parents weren't so happy with him!

Despite the long diatribe he received from his parents he only picked up this excerpt:
"What is wrong with you? I spend $24.50 on that textbook and I don't see you using it! Do you think the cashier man is going to be happy when I go back to the store with a sad face to ask for a refund! Do you understand what you are doing to our economy! Refunding? What is he going to tell his kids? 'Sorry son but we can't go to the movies today. Someone refunded their book and now we're short on cash.' Is this what you want? No doctor for you? Be a man and go to your room and read that damn book!'"

What was the purpose for reading? Why be a doctor or lawyer instead of being human? Why do I have to work hard now to enjoy tomorrow? Why can't I enjoy today so I could forget about tomorrow? When Peter thought about it, he could map out his life in 2 ways: map it as little packets of moments or map it as a large time line. That reminded him of the map that the Tralfamadorians had constructed, it was collection of different sections that each consisted of memories that would live forever in that moment of time. So why don’t we make every moment a vibrant one? Let’s live life to the fullest!
Let us forget about the consequences then. Let us drink it up, play video games, let ourselves to once and a while give into hedonism and live life to its fullest. But what’s the point of that? What happens after we die? Well in accordance to the ideals of existentialism, we live in packets of moments that will live on forever. But how do these moments live on? Who lets them live?   In reality, these moments and memories live through the minds and hearts of the people of future generations. That is how we live on! Through their memories we live on! Give life a purpose and do great things to live an eternal life. Inorder to live in memories, you need to live a life that makes a difference in society so that society can remember you. Instead of looking at life through moments look at it as a whole story with chapters that build up to a purpose and a climax. Work hard now so you can be a doctor that saves lives in the ER. Work hard now to become the scientist that finds the cure for HIV or cancer. Work hard now to become a politician that brings the voice of the people to the people in power. By putting purpose in our lives, we will truly put our life to the max. We will enjoy our lives knowing that every day we walk closer to achieving our goal of living an eternal life by progressing humanity.
So the question is, do I agree with Vonnegut’s ideas of existentialism? Not quite. I believe we live life for a greater purpose (whether in the view of the Atheist or the Religious).
Thanks for reading!
The “Sun”ny Side of Slaughter House 5

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Billy Pilgrim meets SUPERMAN!

Yes, yes, yes I do have a confession to make I AM A FAN OF SMALLVILLE. And as the season is nearing it's final episode I would like to pay tribute to the 10 year long series by examining Clark Kent(aka Superman/Kal-El) in the light of Billy Pilgrim. In my opinion Billy Pilgrim is Superman without the powers(with the exclusion to time travel). In many respects consider this Billy is in many respects "halluncinating" and "imagining" that he's traveling through time and so is Superman! Throughout the series, time travellers from the future make frequent visits and bring Clark along on their journey to the past, present and future. Their main goal is to teach Clark and show him the way of being and becoming the man he was suppose to be. He meets aliens, fights crime, travels at the speed of light, speeds faster then you could say "Uh-oh" and can make you fried eggs with his eye laser beams(however he may also melt the pot while he's doing this too so just be careful). He's also very romantic and can bring chocolates from Paris to giving you a nice back massage(but better be careful due to his extreme strength, when he cracks your back, your back's cracked for sure ;) ). But on the other hand this just seems to good to be true. He has all these powers, doesn't make himself king, and he doesn't try to manipulate it for his own purposes. That's strange, but oh the irony! Billy for example has the same problem: he has the ability to time travel but he doesn't change his future, past or present. He doesn't stop his own death or stop the plane despite knowing it would crash. And there's also another connection that can be raised. Does Clark Kent really have powers or is he like Billy hallucinating? Can he really jump over tall buildings or is that just the effect of current CGI and computer editing? Why the heck is he afraid of green kryptonite? If this guy's legit why have a weakness? And how the heck does he heal during the dark when there's no sunlight(or even better on a cloudy day)? And what's with this thing were he runs in slow-mo while superspeeding? I think Clark Kent may be hallucinating like Billy......Regardless of what I just said, Smallville was(and still is) an excellent television series that will always be remembered!

#7 Warp continued

The sun beamed in his eyes, the bees flew in circles around him,the crickets chripped.....
As Peter looked around he wasn't in the cellar like he was before, instead he was standing by a river watching a group of children playing on the other side. Across the river he noticed a peculiar child, who sat away beside a tree holding and look down at the book in his hand. He looked like a peculiar child, short for his age and very pale for someone with dark auburn hair, but as Peter looked at him the child seemed different. Peter waded through the water and began to walk to the other side but something stopped him. As he looked the herd of children began to crowd around the loner. He heard screaming and shouting and nasty names being called and shouted but eventually the crowd died down. Eventually the mother of the peculiar child walked in and out of no where swatted away the group of children. The boy looked hurt as he cried and rocked back and forth holding tight to the remnants of his book: the book was torn. As Peter watched, a flood of memories flooded his mind and tears slid down his cheeks. He remembered as a child watching his best friend being picked on because he was different. It never occurred to people that this child was normal and had ideas, hopes and dreams that were similar to those that most children at the age of 5 would have. But people never took the time to get to know this child, they were too quick to judge him and put labels on him. No one put themselves in the shoes of this child.

As Peter looked back to the child across the river, he noticed that same problem, people didn't take the time to put themselves in the perspective of the child. No one took the time to even get to know him. Peter was frustrated, how could people be so ignorant! How could readers of Slaughter House 5 call Billy Pilgrim "pathetic" or "weak". How could Barbara Pilgrim even think that her father is childish and disregard what he says. How could people think that Billy was a pathetic soldier who was even lucky to have lived. Has anyone taken the time to consider things from Billy's perspective? NO! Has anyone considered that Billy had lived through a gruesome war, watched the carnage of Dresden and had the people so dear to him pass away? NO!

As Peter thought about Slaughter House 5 he noticed he had warped again.....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Warped story Post #6

The alarm went off. The mothers and children were screaming. The walls were shaking. People flooded the room and crowds of people huddled in the small room....

This was one of the many warps that Peter had undergone. Time and Place seemed to have merged in the world that he lived in. No longer could he diffrentiate between the past the present or home and away. By living in another dimension he allowed himself to undergo continous warps that brought him to a multitude of places, scenes and times. But during each of these warps, it seemed intentional that there was something for Peter to understand and learn. He gained perspective.

In the middle of the crowd, Peter looked around anxiously looking for room to breath. But as he looked around, he noticed that as the walls shook, people huddled together crying and praying hoping it would all end. From above bombs were dropped by pilots only 18 years of age. As these children flew their planes they feared for their own lives, praying and hoping they too wouldn't die on that night. A few years from now when these pilots would look back to the war, they wouldn't know what happened to those bombs after they reached their destination. War wasn't a video game or a red versus blue game. There was no side, right and wrong merged into a stew that had spices and flavours that were indistinguishable and the same. The people who died in the war were normal average day citizens who had to pay the expense of hate and ignorance. As each side propagated hate and contempt for the other side to their people, citizens didn't take the time to understand what truly was going on over the areas where the enemy lay. When Peter looked around, he understood he was behind enemy lines in a cellar deep underneath the ground. The strong scent of cabbage was intoxicating however the sense of death was imminent. It occured to him that this was a lesson to be learned, war grips people in such a way that is indescribable to those who haven't experienced it. He for the first time experienced how German citizens felt during the bombing of Dresden in the year of 1945.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Book

With a pen and paper in hand, Jones Rogers sat the desk struggling to write a novel. He sat there for hours, brainstorming about the perfect story and decided to not use motifs or allegories. However despite spending a large amount of time planning for this novel, Jones finally gave up. He didn't understand that writing a novel would take personally skill, personally experience and personally motivation or reason. In reality, Jones wasn't stupid he was naive. After reading Twilight and Harry Potter, he seemed to feel that writing novels was a task that was easy to accomplish and succeed at. Throughout his life, Jones had never read a real novel and really didn't understand why people really write them. Ever since the beginning of civilization, books have been banned, ripped apart, severely criticized because they instigated social movements and commented on controversial and important social problems. He didn't understand that writing was a profession that was bared alot of fruit but was difficult to accomplish. He didn't understand that as the painter armed himself with his paints and brushes, the author armed himself with style and experience. He didn't understand that experience was a virtue that was to be lived and gained. By going out and living his life, Jones would be able to have materials to write about. By living his life, Jones would be able to see for himself the ills and issues of society. True authors were people who lived life. Kurt Vonnegut was an individual that lived through the horrors of the war. Kurt Vonnegut was an individual that took his experiences and put them into writing.

We all have a little bit of Jones Rogers within us: despite our ambition, we don't understand that great novels are pieces of literature that create movements because of the emotions and messages they can evoke. They are able to rapture readers into a world where they can evoke emotions and strong ideas. Real authors know how to make Inception look like a joke.

So what would I write about? Well to be honest with you I really don't know. I don't know how my plot line would go, I don't know the themes and ideas that will be in my book. I JUST DON"T KNOW. To be a true writer, I need to gain experience! I need to live through the problems Unlike Jones Rogers I would need materials to work with. Like a painter with his pastels, brushes and paints, I need to arm myself with real life experiences! As of now I can only tell you the general scheme of my novel. Placed in a distant future, the main protagonist in the novel, Jimmy, is a normal being that lives in a normal world. As the novel progresses, Jimmy is affected by a calamity that changes his view of the world. He is exposed to another unseen world of the masses(this unseen world is figurative: it could be anything ranging from the streets of the poor or the lives of the misunderstood elderly or grumpy neighbor). By being exposed to this unseen world, Jimmy sees an inherent problem in society(as of now I don't know what this societal problem) and he decides to make a change. Jimmy also discovers another inherent and important human problem: judgment ( society is too quick to judge and label people instead of getting to know them on a personal level). The key ingredient that makes this story cook is Jimmy. By putting the story in the view of Jimmy, we would be able to see and relate more to Jimmy.

My novel hasn't been published yet and it probably never will, but that would be the general scheme of my novel.

Friday, April 1, 2011

TIME W-W-W-W-HAAAARRRPPP here we go: A short story

WWhen he looked across the room, he saw a mere reflection of a 11 year old boy. As he moved across the room, the boy in the mirror moved closer to him. As the boy stretched out his arms, the boy in the mirror did the exact same. The boy stared at the mirror and examined the boy in the mirror. Behind the glass pane, there was another world, a world that existed in another realm. There glass pane separated reality and virtual reality. Beyond these panes of glass, there stood buildings and homes that were mere reflections of the  buildings in the real world. Beyond these images, walked people with inaudible and intangible emotions and voices. Despite the boy's attempt he couldn't reach out to the boy in the mirror, he could only watch him imitate him and commit that actions that the boy did. Out of no where, the wall shattered and a continuous and large rumble was in the presence. Large planes and fighter jets flew over, and the supersonic sound created a large tremor in the room. As the room started to shake, the walls seem to shatter too. Reality became delusion. As the walls fell down, the boy felt as if he was falling down into the abyss and as he fell down this hole he fell down quicker and quicker, faster and faster. *Thud*. He hit the floor and the mere pain of the fall shocked his nerves. He felt as if a thousand knives fell upon him. With his strength, the boy got up, but as he looked around his home was no more. He stood in the carnage of homes and buildings. People seemed to disappear from the world. The boy looked around and found blood seeping down his arms. The boy was no longer a boy but a 18 year old soldier in active duty. As he limped around, his badge hung from his tattered uniform and a boy in the distance was screaming and crying. The soldier couldn't understand or comprehend what the little boy was saying. But as he looked more closely at the little boy, the ringing in his ears reminded him of the boy he saw in the mirror. The soldier couldn't comprehend the emotions, the voices or the pain. He seemed to be in the same disillusional world that was behind the mirror. The soldier turned around and the red sun gleamed in his eyes. The strong rays of sun burned his eyes, but as he spun his head away from the sun, he found himself standing in the midst of a park. The man felt a tug on his pants. When he looked down he saw a young child vying for his attention. As he turned his wrist he looked at his watch and the hour and minute hands struck noon. According to the date on the clock, the soldier had supposedly 34 years old. But in the mere time of a few minutes this man had undergone a jump through time. Wierd huh?

The "Sun"ny Side of Slaughter House 5

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Mommy Kurt Vonnegut said a bad word"

Jimmy Wang ran across the room flailing his arms.
"MAMA", he screamed.
"WHAT!" replied his angry mother. His mother seemed paranoid by the fact that her 7 year old always had a hobby of bombarding her with peculiar questions. He seemed to enjoy bothering the hell out his mother.(When asked 20 years from now, Jimmy Wang said that when he was a child he had 2 hobbies: bothering the shit out of his mother and reading books that were banned)
"Mama when I was reading this novel by Kurt Vonnegut, I seemed to come across this weird idea of existentialism. I would like to question, is there really a God? From the passage on pages ## and **(due to copyright laws the author of this article cannot share you the pages that little Jimmy was reading) you get a sense of this anti-American sentiment. But what really threw me off and made me unhappy was this..." Explained Jimmy.
"What, what made you angry this time?" Asked his mom. She wondered if boarding school was an option for her.
"Mommy Kurt Vonnegut said a bad word." Jimmy answered
"What? Son what are you reading now? Can't you be like a good little boy and go outside and play? Don't you see how everyone else that's under the age of 20 is out there having fun? I don't know anyone that reads like you and you're only 7!" Said his mom.
"But mom does it ever occur to you that a lot of books are being banned these days. According to book banning committees, books that are banned are being banned for the health and well being of our children. But I still don't get it why ban books? I enjoy reading these books and for the majority of the people like me we READ them because they have strong styles, themes, and ideas that we can use in our own writing." Explained Jimmy.
"Wait what? Son I didn't think this would affect you so much. Like I know its my fault but honey why didn't you come to me and talk about it. It’s okay." Said his mother
"Mom you finally understand me? Can I tell you how I really feel? People banning books really don't have any intention of benefiting students and children; they just want books that meet their own agenda. Whatever's anti-general society is evil. Like take for example Brave New World, it was banned in Ireland because of its "language", and for its "anti-family" and "anti-religion" ideas. Apparently this was controversial because people didn't like the way it was hypothesizing about the future and in my opinion Mom that's full of crap. Then again those who ban books in reality don't read them. Those who ban books don't really know about the truth about society and don't really care about the well being of it either." Said Jimmy.
"Son I know its been harsh on you, but if you're feeling sad after Daddy left us, but its okay and as for now please stop reading and come to me if you really need help, I think its best if I take away those books of yours."Said his mother. As she said this she hoped that, for the "well-being" of Jimmy, Jimmy would stop being so different and be a good child (in reality she hoped that he would shut up once in a while). Did she really know what was happening to Jimmy or what the books really were about? No.
"Mom what are you doing? What are you talking about I thought you knew what I was talking about? I thought you understood me. You don't understand what these books mean to me. I learn from these books, I cherish them, they're so rich in knowledge and power. Mom please don't do this to me." Pleaded Jimmy.
"Son, from what I heard I don't like what you're reading and I'm doing this for you. If you're trying to avoid telling me how you feel I think we have a problem. Like you're 7, go out and play. You're reading these books about sex and killing and swearing and anti-God stuff. The stuff's bad and I think that you're reading this to console yourself over your loss of a father. I'm banning, hah what am I saying, I mean I'm taking your books away for good!"
Jimmy was abashed and flustered; words couldn't even correctly affirm his feelings. Was it really necessary to take away and ban books? Well in Jimmy's case no, but in general no. Jimmy was robbed of a true source of knowledge and power, he had his soul and mind ripped out and taken out by his mother. So it goes.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is it just me or does this idea of "unstuck in time" remind of Doctor Who? No matter what happens the Doctor seems to be lonely and isolated by his time travels and like Billy he lacks a companion who truly understands him. So what do you think?
Food for thought:
The "Sun"ny Side of Slaughter House 5

Billy should optimize his potential

Apparently Billy is unstuck in time, he travels back and forth from moments to moments. But why, why,why! Why doesn't he optimize his potential and change past events. I understand the belief of existentialism, but still why not just try something different and see where it goes?
 Add your thoughts and comments to this discussion
The "Sun"ny Side of Slaughter House 5

Knowledge from the Asian Perspective

Strapped down to the chair, with no source of happiness and no outlet for relaxation, I was forced to read my math textbook. Beads of sweat trickeled down my red and bloodshot cheeks as I tried my best to focus. Diffrential equations, logarithimic functions, integrals, and random gibberish was flying out of the pages. Bam! Pi was thrown in my face by Archimidies (yummmy cherry pie), I was tangent to the stick that my Mother was beating me with. Standing aside was my Mother, staring at me with a deep glare and grimace. In one hand she held the abacus in the other was a pair of chopsticks. For lunch rice was the only thing on the menu. For personal inspiration the story of Pythagorous was told to me for the millionth time. Well folks, if you do plan on calling the children's help line or calling social workers, I can assure you I do not live this life. I was living the "typical" Asian life. Contrary to common stereotypes, Asian parents don't really beat their kids or force them to do math. They're not all really into getting their kids writing the SATs or going to UPenn or Harvard or the Ivy leagues. Math contests aren't really a big deal, grades aren't really either. Asian parents really just stress this idea of knowledge. From personal experiences, Asian parents aren't really mythical or a rare breed of parents they're simply human. In reality they really stress that knowledge is the key to success. If you look at the job market, what really defines your skills is really just what you know and how you can apply them into your work. A Harvard PhD is a piece of paper that anyone could print off and just wave it around and be pretentious and all arrogant about, but the true meaning of that degree is the symbol that it signifies. With such a degree you have a great amount of knowledge(I'm not saying I want to go to Harvard but the same goes with any PhD from any school). So if you're wondering why I'm rambling about something so random to give you context, here's a quote from Kurt Vonnegut:

"New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become."

Well I have to do my math homework right now(and no my parents aren't forcing me to do it, my math teacher is......)

Signing off:
The "Sun"ny Side of Slaughter House 5

Monday, February 28, 2011

Unstuck in time what are you kidding me?

As I was sitting in the far corner of my English classroom, I was catching on some sleep and dreaming about the strange and bizarre Traflamadorians from the novel Slaughter House 5. For some reason I seemed to somehow come across an akward moment. As I slept I sort of felt out of place in time and in space. Time didn't affect me at all, instead I seemed to be surfing through the space fabrics of time. I really didn't know what was happening, one moment I was sitting in a class at MIT studying the mysteries of quantum mechanics, the next moment I was seemed to be at the age of 35 changing diapers of a 5 year old while cooking breakfast for my wife. And the next moment it seemed to me I got slapped hit in the face and yelled at by my English teacher. Wait was this for real? Was I really unstuck in time? Was I travelling in time? Well the first thing I could tell you is 1. my ear drums were ringing 2. getting hit in the face 100000000000000000000000000years from now and getting hit now both hurt and 3. what was that for? couldn't you just tap me on the shoulder? So woah reality check am I crazy? Well after reading Slaughter House 5 I really think I could relate to Billy the Pilgrim. But is this guy really unstuck in time like I am? No I don't believe so. You could call me a optimist if you were nice, if you were not so nice you could call me a day dreamer and if you were a jerk you could say I couldn't go to MIT or just get married or have kids or achieve the impossible. So like me is Billy really unstuck in time? Wow I can't believe I keep on bringing up this I seem to put so much emphasis on the question....hmmm the irony. It's ironic how Vonnegut also puts emphasis on things by using repetition. It seems to me that when Billy does seem to get unstuck in time Vonnegut always puts some emphasis by somehow repeat in a indirect way of the fragile state of mind of Billy. In my opinion I think Billy is just torn away by war or just crazy. Or maybe Billy is just sort of looking back in time(excluding the whole entire nonsense of the Tralfamadorians, FYI I think Vonnegut is using that event as a gateway to express his views of existentialism). He could be just a war veteran that is suffering from depression and reliving the horrors of the war every moment. Anyways, I better be signing off before being hit again by my parents for spending too much time on the internet. Feeling pain signifies reality.
Signing off,
Sunny Side of Slaughter House 5